Monday 4 July 2016

Rogue Trader: Eastenders Edition...

The best used droids on Jamakeer!

So, a while ago I did a small tutorial on making some market stalls (*here*), and I've finally got around to painting them, along with some characters to staff them, so here they are!

More after the cut...

Used Ro-Butler, Sir?

First up is 'Robo-Crap', Port Imperiale's finest purveyor of second hand droids, synths, and other artificial life forms:

There's cheap, and then there's junk...

The seller is a Li H'Sen Chang model from Black Tree Design's Dr Who range, and I see no reason why he can't also be Li H'sen Chang, robot dealer, on Port Imperiale.

The stall contents are made up of old Paranoia robot parts along with some sculpting dollies to make up as synths. The rest of the robots are also mainly ones from Citadel's old Paranoia range.

Next up is 'Mr Stabby', Supplier of shivs, swords, bayonets and blades to the Port's underclass.

Would you buy a used knife from this man?

The model is a lightly converted old Call of Cthulhu model with a head swap and some weapons, and I really like just how creepy he's turned out.

The stall is fairly basic, just a bunch of assorted knives from GW plastic kits from various ranges and vintages.

Finally (for the time being) we have the A1 meat company. You're really better off not asking where the meat comes from, or even what species it's from.

The owner of this stall is really just a placeholder for the time being, as he's a mildly psychotic 40k hunchback I made a while ago.

The stall has an assortment of meaty items from various plastic kits, along with a selection of writhing tentacles emerging from a couple of pots.

Just don't get too close to the tentacles, or you may end up as stock

There's another as yet unfinished stall that I'm currently painting, which I'll show you all when it's finished.

Whilst I'm here, I thought I'd introduce another denizen of the Port that I've recently painted, the notorious renegade Mechanicus Scientist known only as 'Tanglegenes'. He's currently holed up in an old, dilapidated Manifactorium building on the outskirts of the Port, and who knows what strange experiments he's currently engaged in...

 It's astounding... Time is... fleeting. Madness... takes its toll. But listen closely... I've got to... keep... control.

This is a 40k update of the old 'Tanglebones' figure from Citadel's Eternal Champion range. It's blatantly based on Richard O'Brien as Riff Raff in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and it's really one of my all-time favourite Citadel figures. I've added some goggles, an old Eldar Power Fist, and a gun and chest piece from the Skitarii Rangers. He's been sat on my painting desk for a long time, and I've been meaning to paint him up as he was, for use in Mordheim, but inspiration (and the scalpel!) struck, and he went in a different direction.

Now all I need to do is find another one so I can paint up a non-modified version for Mordheim as I originally planned!


  1. Hmmm, really cool! I've been toying with the idea of some stalls too for some time, you certainly gave me some interesting ideas! Lovely, inspiring work!!

  2. A great collection of an underrepresented demographic (civilians) in many wargames! They look good!
    I like the graffiti on the statue behind Tanglegenes as well... I mean, what have the Imperium ever done for us? ;)

  3. WOnderful, these are exactly the kind of models and scenery that bring depth to a game. I'm really loving this.

  4. Great Tanglebones conversion! I like the stalls too. Really cool :)

  5. This is amazing! I absolutely love the depth this brings to your 'port, almost more than the actual ships you've been working on of late...

  6. I love everything pictured - it's just all perfect stuff! Mr Tanglegenes is quite the sinister creep isn't he?!

  7. All very good, but Tanglegenes is brilliant!

  8. Great work, and I enjoy the variety of goods on offer.

  9. Seems like everyone wants the Imperial go to the house lately. Very nicely done. Some great stalls and great miniatures.

  10. A wonderful back drop for any sci fi game! Really inspiring! Great work!

  11. This is another really cool post. Bravo!
