Tuesday 22 August 2017

The Rogue Trader Bestiary Part 4: Vampires & Zombies

On to the next entry, and this time it's a double act, Vampires and Zombies, as the two are fairly inextricably linked. I may have gone a bit overboard here, and done an entire warband, rather than just an example of each entry...

Here, our intrepid guardsman can be seen understandably running away from a small army of his former comrades, summoned by a (currently hidden) Vampire!

More after the cut...

Friday 11 August 2017

The Rogue Trader Bestiary Part 3: Cthellean Cudbear

So, another one to cross off the list, and this time it's the Cthellean Cudbear that our intrepid trooper can be seen running away from. Serves him right for trying to use an abandoned mine as a toilet, if you ask me.

More after the cut...

Thursday 10 August 2017

The Rogue Trader Bestiary Part 2: Astral Hound

So, like most of my other new projects, I've gone headlong into this one for a while at the expense of all the others.

For the next entry, I decided to start at the beginning with the warp creatures, and the Astral Hound...

More after the cut...

Wednesday 2 August 2017

The Rogue Trader Bestiary: Crawler (Part 1 in an occasional series)

So, as if I didn't have enough projects on the go, now I've decided on a whim to create models to represent of all the non-humanoid fauna listed in the Rogue Trader Bestiary. It allows me to do an occasional figure as a bit of a 'palate cleanser' between painting units for my ongoing Jamakeer Guard project. I may well go on to do all of the Flora in the book as well, but that'll be a separate project.

More details after the cut...