Tuesday 4 December 2018

Introducing 'Shortround', Port Imperiale's premier Nightclub owner...

So, after doing another pointlessly large, tightly themed build recently, I thought I'd paint up a few smaller single figures to relax a bit, and this is one of them. Any port would have plenty of bars and nightclubs, so this is Shortround, a Ratling Impresario!


More pics and background after the cut...

Wednesday 21 November 2018

The "Sump Snakes" Orlock gang and their convoy ship, the Sumpcarraldo...

Another post, so soon after the last! I'll try and keep up a more regular posting regime when I can, it helps to document what I've been up to and is a bit less transient than Facebook.

This time, it's my Orlock gang for new Necromunda, the Sump Snakes, and their convoy ship, the 'Sumpcarraldo':

Lots more photos and details after the break...

Saturday 10 November 2018

Wow, where'd the year go? (And a big-ass Daemon!)

So, just checked and apparently I've not posted since April. I've no idea how that happened, life sort of got in the way!

I've been pottering along with painting in the background, so I'll try to catch up with what I've painted over the next few weeks, but first, here's a horror-themed competition entry I did for a Facebook group:

More after the break...

Friday 20 April 2018

The 'Admiral Battenberg', A 'Moot' class Halfling Land Ship

Well, the day has finally come where I can showcase this, but it's taken far, far longer than I ever anticipated. About six years longer, in fact, but now I can present to you the most powerful fighting machine ever to emerge from the Moot's secret engineering works.

I give to you, the 'Admiral Battenberg'!

Lots more photos after the break...

Saturday 24 February 2018

Madison & Maximillian, Wasteland Gangers...

I'd like you to meet 'Madison' and 'Maximillian', twins and co-leaders of the Desert Rats Wasteland gang...

More photos after the cut...

Friday 16 February 2018

The Rogue Trader Bestiary Part 6: The Grox

So, the next update in my Rogue Trader Bestiary project is the Grox. A perennial favourite for use by vindictive GM's as random hazards in RT games, here you can see our permanently terrified guardsman being chased by an enraged specimen of the species:

More pics after the cut...

Thursday 1 February 2018

RR12 Flying Gargoyles of Barda

So, in my never ending quest to only paint up the most obscure and useless races I've now moved on to 1985's 'Flying Gargoyles Of Barda' (along with a couple of Gargoyles from the later 'Night Horrors' range, as champions:

They're one of the lesser known regiments of Renown, but one of the nicer ones, then again, I always liked the odd ones!

More photos and details after the cut...