Tuesday 22 August 2017

The Rogue Trader Bestiary Part 4: Vampires & Zombies

On to the next entry, and this time it's a double act, Vampires and Zombies, as the two are fairly inextricably linked. I may have gone a bit overboard here, and done an entire warband, rather than just an example of each entry...

Here, our intrepid guardsman can be seen understandably running away from a small army of his former comrades, summoned by a (currently hidden) Vampire!

More after the cut...

Vampires and Zombies are a couple of the few 'classic' fantasy archetypes that made it through to Rogue Trader from WFB3 (or AD&D!) pretty much unchanged. Sadly they were never really exploited to their full extent, so they never really got much further than the bestiary and a couple of the random scenario sections in the main RT rulebook.

Personally I think it's a bit of a shame, Space Vampires and their minions could have made a good little faction as a 'hidden infiltrator' of Imperial Space, but in the end they were pretty much usurped by Genestealer Cultists as the go-to bad guys for that sort of thing.

Anyway, this is what the rulebook has to say about them:

And also the Zombie entry:

So on to the Vampire, and just which one of the many Citadel models they've made over the years to go with? I know what you're thinking, this fella:

And yes, that was my first thought too. I *know* I've got two of him knocking around somewhere in the leadpile, as I bought him twice on eBay so I could do one based for WFB and one for 40k.

Could I find either of them? Could I buggery! I spent the best part of a day searching before admitting defeat and going through the undead leadpile to find something suitable.

In the end, I decided on this fella, and here he is scaring the Guardsman again:

and a few more shots:

 Front View

Side View

 Rear View

He's a late 90's/early 00's WFB Necrarch Vampire that I've had knocking around for a long time, modified to be armed with a biomechanical Bolter taken from one of the Zoats I converted and painted up a while ago.

In my background for him, it's actually a bio-weapon (similar to a needler) that fires vials of his own blood, if hit and an armour save is failed, the target then becomes one of the Vampire's Thralls and under his control in-game from then on.

I mentioned earlier that I went a bit overboard, and here's one of the reasons why. The model was one that came as a pair, with foot and mounted variants, so I decided to utilise the mounted version as well. Here he is as a passenger on a zombie-controlled RT motorcycle:

So, that's the Vampire dealt with, now, how about some zombies?

Again, with the going overboard, rather than just the one example, I went and did an entire unit/warbands worth of them!

As the Vampire was going to be in hiding in Port Imperiale, I thought I'd make his zombie defenders up as members of the Jamakeer Guard. After all, where's the best place to pick up recently dead bodies than a battlefield!

These are all just converted plastics I've had knocking around, mainly Imperial Guard and Zombies mashed up, but with an Admech in there and a Squat for good measure.

Here's a few more shots:

And that's another two entries now done, on to the next one!

Links to the Bestiary So Far: 

  • Astral Hound
  • Astral Spectre
  • Enslaver
  • Psychneuein
  • Vampires
  • Warp Entity
  • Zombie
  • Ambull
  • Bouncers
  • Carnivorous Sand Clam
  • Catachan Devil
  • Catachan Face Eater
  • Crawlers
  • Crotalid
  • Cthellean Cudbear
  • Dinosaur
  • Ferro-Beast
  • Genestealer
  • Giant Insectoid
  • Giant Spider
  • Grox
  • Gyrinx
  • Horse
  • Lashworm
  • Mimic
  • Ptera-Squirrel
  • Razorwing
  • Rippy-Fish
  • Swarm
  • Sunworm


  1. Damn, I've painted quite a few zombies now and I just realise that I need a vampire now...
    This is excellent, I especially like the equal opportunities zombies (I'm sure some were female).

    1. Sadly GW don't do any specifically female zombie heads or IG bodies, so not sure if the ones in skirts are actually female or just have their shirts untucked! One of the reason I got carried away with this entry is that the zombies were just so much fun to build and paint!

  2. BRA. VO.
    Sir, you leveled up.

  3. Loving this bestiary. Really well done, keep up the good work!

    The Rogue Trader Vampire is clearly based on the ones in the movie Lifeforce: the sci-fi setting, natural bat-like form, shape-shifting, feeding on life force instead of blood, transforming victims into controllable zombies. Now you just need a naked male or female as the original "human" form. Heh!

  4. Love those zombies! They sure look like a lot of fun.

  5. Great execution mate - love that vamp!

  6. Terrific stuff, Evo. Totally agree about Vampires never having been satisfactorily explored in Rogue Trader. This is exciting to see as I've been working on assembling my own Vampire cult for a few months now. Thinking about using the Protean vamp in the second picture as my chief bad guy too. Love what you've done with the zombies. And the bike is wonderful!

  7. Genius! That Vampire especially is a sweet model, the Bike version made me chuckle too. I'd never trust a zombie to control anything.

  8. Love the unit of zombies. And here they thought the battle was over and they could have a good lie in after their mortal wounds, but no, some necromantic vampire count so and so has to call them back from the dang dead so that they can go humping across one more battlefield. Only this time their arm's half off and they can't get sunburned as they've got no skin. Very well done, sir!

  9. The mounted version of the vampire is epic! That's a great repurposing.
