Monday, 5 September 2016

A Local Port For Local People...

The Old Main Drag...

Well, I finally got around to making up some baseboards for Port Imperiale, so I thought I'd do a few photos. No real reason or game involved, just fancied setting up some models, so here you go...

Overview of the Port

A shot down the main street, with Tanglegene's Manufactorium in the distance. 

And again. Droids and local workers can be seen going about their business. 

Looking out from the roof of Lucky's Bar, over the market.

A Slann trading delegation, attempting to get a good deal from the rather irate owner owner of Guns 'N' Ammo.

Alternate view.

Another view of the market, Lucky's Bar in the background.

An angry customer remonstrates with Li H'Sen Chang, owner of Robo-Crap, regarding a faulty RoboButler.

And again, different angle. 

A higher view over the market. 

A delegation from the Jamakeer Mining Corporation heads over to check on their mine. 

The mine itself, permanently under heavy guard by JMC employees. 

The EVH Salvage Head office, with employees heading out on their lunch break. 

The heavily guarded entrance gate.

 Renegade Mechanicus scientist, Tanglegenes, seen here on the balcony of his dilapidated Manufactorium building. 

And just who might this shifty character be, heading into Lucky's Bar? Obviously not someone tempted by offers of cheap soup from a hooded food seller. 



  1. Wow, this is superb. So many interesting bits and pieces. Looks really lived in: reminds me of Star Wars or Firefly. That first shot is particularly atmospheric. Who makes the vehicle closest to the camera in that pic?

    1. Thank! and sorry I don't know who made the vehicle, it was just a random eBay pickup.

    2. *Edit* I've done some googling (because it was annoying me!) and it's a former Acropolis Miniatures APC, now sold by The Baggage Train: >Acropolis Miniatures > Future City > Vehicles.

    3. Thanks for chasing! That is a decent price for a hefty piece.

  2. Now there's a tabletop that's just screaming out to be played on!

    Fantastic :)

  3. That's brilliant Evo. Fantastic work.

  4. Best setting I've seen in quite a while, absolutely amazing. I was about to ask the same question about that vehicle, it's the one I cannot trace. Everything here is brilliant.

    1. I've done some googling (because it was annoying me!) and it's a former Acropolis Miniatures APC, now sold by The Baggage Train: >Acropolis Miniatures > Future City > Vehicles.

      Quite reasonable at £12.50, I might pick up some more at some point!

    2. Thank you so much! I'll go have a look!

  5. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! I'm aspiring to something similar - your set up is so inspiring. One of my favourite sequences of photographs for a long time :D

  6. So much story and character - bloody well done for putting this together.

  7. Very impressive indeed! Fantastic!

  8. There was for many years a store with a sign that read Liquor, Guns, & Ammo in the fine town where I lived. A local pizza joint bought the sign and now has it hanging on the wall, but . . . my own spaceport needs that store. With the little sign below it that says live bait. Love it! Well done!

  9. Shazam! Now that I've scooped my jaw up off the floor I've got to say this is one of the most beautiful things I've seen on the blogs for a very long time! Any of these photos would have fantastic for the back cover of a White Dwarf back in the Golden era of Rogue Trader, etc. So many characterful little details really give the feeling of a rusty, dusty little frontier town, and the backdrop really adds to the mood. Disbelief thoroughly suspended. I love it!

  10. This is one of the best blog posts ever! Love it.


  11. I absolutely love this. THIS is the 40k universe I signed up for, with endless unique details, that feeling of exploration and discovery around every corner, the limitless creativity, the mystery. This reminds me of why I fell in love with this hobby, before the books just became photos of the models. I've always wanted to explore the depths of the setting, especially abhumans, and this blog has given me so much inspiration to do so. Thank you so much for sharing this fantastic stuff with the world! Please keep making and posting more.
