Saturday 4 February 2017

Undead reinforcements!

So, once I'd broken the back of those damned Nightmare Legion, I've managed to recently finish off a whole host of half-done models, so here's some photos of the army beginning to take shape (after the cut)

Mounted Liche King army leader

A rather cheerful Marauder Wight:

A unit of Skeletons armed with Arquebuses:

And a unit armed with crossbows:

A unit of Ghouls, led by an unseemly happy Necromancer:

A unit of Mummies, led by an undead Liche Priest from the depths of Khemri:

30 Lovely metal Zombies:

Same unit, slightly higher view:

These are a bit modern for the rest of the army, but I do love this unit of (mainly) Cursed Company.

And a scratchbuilt Corpse Cart:

I've got another few hundred skeletons to finish painting, another war mammoth, a bunch of Screaming Skull catapults and all of the cavalry to get done next!


  1. Gasp! That's amazing and imposing!

  2. Yeah, that cart looks ace! Especially with the skellies looking like their struggling to pull it by the chains.

    I like the bow strings you've added to the crossbows too, nice touch diesel :)

  3. Looks excellent! I have to ask two questions. 1. Where did the trench coat clad skeleton with the arquebruses fine from, and 2 what about the skeletons pulling the future cart?

    1. Thanks! The first is a converted Citadel C46 Villagers range 'Coachman' with a skelly head swap, and the cart guys are all 90's GW box set plastics I converted.

  4. Superb! So many interesting characters in amongst them all. Love the corpse cart.

  5. Anyone facing that on the other side of the table really is going to have to take a fear test!

  6. Brilliant mate - the whole project is so cool, but the sight of that 100 strong unit is just pant-wettingly awesome!

  7. Now that really is starting to look like a proper oldschool undead horde, well done on your progress to date!

  8. Just read through your entire blog - I found it inspiring from start to finish. I love the way you combine new and old into 'classic' WH40k. Your WFB stuff is also very impressive, 100 skeletons is insane in a way which I can only admire.
