Thursday 7 January 2016

'Hi, my name's Evo, and I'm a Halflingaholic.'

Collect all of the halflings! 

So, whilst my painting mojo still hasn't returned (and I'd like to thank everyone for their suggestions on my last blog post!), I thought I'd briefly document one of my other hobby issues, namely the obsessive hoarding of obscure armies.

I've got a lot of unpainted and partially painted obscure armies sat in drawers, but possibly the most ridiculous of them all is my planned Halfling Army. I've been collecting it for a while now, so I thought I'd give you a taste of what's in the drawers and what I have planned, if I can ever get back into the groove...

So far, the only real finished part of the army is the Steam Tank, which can be seen *here*. but having said that, I've got another two of those Empire Tanks in boxes ready to convert.

So on to the unpainted stuff: To start with, there's this drawer:

As you can see, it's mainly Citadel (About 200 or so, all told) of various vintages, including most of the old LotR range, along with some Marauder, Black Hat, and Warploque models. Oh, and a Grenadier Halfling Knight in the background!

The next photo is another 130 or so models, this time a recent purchase from Macrocosm Miniatures, part of their ShortWars Range:

These are a fantastic range of modular halflings, originally sculpted as part of a private commission, but now available to buy, and include Handgunners, crossbows, halbardiers etc etc etc, 

I'd strongly recommend having a look at the painted photos on the site, and even buying a few. Chris, the owner is a great bloke, and the figures are in my opinion, some of Kev Adam's best work. (but then I'm not keen on orcs!) 

Finally, (for the time being!) there's my army centrepiece, The 'Admiral Battenberg', a Forge World Landship, that I'm slowly converting to be crewed by halflings. The bulk of the work is done on it, I really just need to get the hell on with painting up the crew, most of which have already been converted to hold muskets. 

And, as if all that lot wasn't enough, I've just bought into the Westfalia Miniatures  Kickstarter campaign as well: 

This is yet another range of wonderful halflings, this time sculpted by my friend Michael Anderson, (So I had no excuse not to buy them!) And all in, there will be another 120 or so models to add to the pile.

So, in total, that's well over 450 of the little sods to paint up. When I get my Mojo back, I'm thinking livery colours and simple unit schemes for the majority, then the veterans painted up a little more uniquely.

Watch this space! (Eventually...)


  1. I'm pretty sure in this whole lot there must be that one guy that's going to turn you on like you're a teenage boy. Pick it and see if you still resist painting it ^^

  2. That is an amazing collection of the little fellas. I'm a halfling fan, but nowhere near this level.

    I'm just looking forward to getting my hands on my Halfling Adventurers from Stonehaven Miniatures when they are ready. Should be great for my RPG needs.

  3. Thats a LOT of halflings.

    Really like the look of the Halfmen Army. I will be keeping an eye on that one.

    Reminds me of that line from Rollerball. "I lot of little ones adds up to one great big one!".

  4. I shouldn't be bragging about halflings in my drawers were I you, but perhaps you neither recognized nor intended the American vernacular. That said, you do have rather a lot of them. Do a thousand halflings add up to five hundred whole-lings? I am impressed. Most impressed.
