Thursday 3 November 2016

The Magnificent Zeven!

Not a huge amount to report this time, but I finally finished my Zoat Mercenary contingent. I've had these sat around for a long time in a drawer, and they eventually reached the top of the painting list. It's a quick n' dirty paint job, couple of blues and a wash, with the weaponry and armour done up in bone, so it looked like it was grown, rather than created.

There's the leader, two heavy weapons and four bolter troopers in total. A couple of light conversions, the leader's been given a chainsword and shoulder pad armour, and I made the heavy weapon trooper look like he was rearing up to give a better pose, that's pretty much it.

Although I've had a good run recently, I'm suffering a bit from 40k burnout, so I'm taking a step back from RT for a short while to work on some Cold War pseudo-historical stuff (Winter of '79, if you're interested, think VBCW in the late 70's) to cleanse my palate, as it were. If I get really into it, I might create a separate blog for it, but not sure at the moment, I might get bored of painting dpm very quickly!

See you all soon!


  1. Don't give up on RT Diesel, I know all about the dreaded burn-out...I've been battling with it myself for a little while now. But your creations are a real inspiration...seriously! There a great motivator :)

    1. Thanks! And don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, myself and the Tales From The Maelstrom boys are running a participation game at the Middlehammer day in January, so it's certainly just a temporary break to give me a bit more motivation!

    2. Sometimes stepping away to something slightly different for a while is just what the doctor ordered. I vascillate between this and WWII for just that reasons, with periodic bursts into verbiage and the tonicization of the sub-mediant. (Or prose, poetry, and music if you like English better.) The blue is definitely a more classic gene-stealery color than the more typical gator-green I used. Ought to work well with a cult, or Tyro-nids, or what have you. Very well done.

  2. Really good and I have to say the idea to put the missile launcher on its rear legs is great to avoid him shooting the ground.
    This is really itching and making me consider how quick I could have mine done as well.
    Either RT or something else, ride the wave !

    1. Yeah, I never liked the original pose, it didn't look dynamic enough, and it was aimed a bit too downwards. Time-wise, these were just a couple of evening's work, max, I spent the most time waiting for the washes to dry!

  3. Very cool mate, I really like the blue, and so quick! You must've had your Zoatibix before you sat down to paint these ;-)

  4. I don't think I've ever seen so many Zoats together! :D
    You may say it's a speedpaint, but they look pretty cool, the colour combo works nice. Whatever you keep on painting, we'll be eager to see! :)

    1. I think Jon beats me by a mile on massed Zoats!
