Tuesday 3 September 2019

Slann update! Oh, and an accidental pyramid...

So, here's where I've got to so far with the army, only a couple of new units, but I accidentally made a pyramid, too!

Photos and whatnot after the break...

So, first up is one of my elite Warrior Priests. Rather than rebase the one I'd already painted for my Space Slann army, I decided to buy another and paint him instead. Luckily one turned up on eBay, and he wasn't too pricey, either, which makes a change! Here he is at the top of his sacred pyramid:

Next up is a couple more shots of the scouts I've already shown you

Now, the first of the new units I've painted, a Spawn Band unit of 20 models.

These are all original Slann models, a mix of various poses, but with conversions to mix up their weapons and add a standard bearer. The shields are all later Lizardman ones, with a press-moulded glyph added to the front.

Next up is one of the two Slann Animal (Slanimal?) Handlers I plan to have in the army:

This fella's packing a mean pair of giant spiders, one of the original options for the WFB3 army list. These are I think Grenadier models, but they look so close to the original Citadel ones that I doubt anyone will notice.

I've gone with a bit of a red-legged tarantula style paint job on these, and interestingly, both the Slann and the spiders are all pretty much entirely painted with the new Citadel contrast paints. I got given a bunch of them ,and so far, I'm quite enjoying the effect they give.

Finally is the accidental pyramid. Not sure how this even started, I just got bored one evening and didn't fancy painting. It's made entirely from cork floor tiles, carved, sanded and then sprayed with textured paint. I'm currently working on a sacrificial altar and a bunch of glyph tiles to add to it, so it's not actually finished yet.

So, there you go, I've actually been quite productive recently! Next up is some of the mounted units, I think!