Monday, 25 May 2020

Altheim Part 7: The House of the Rusty Halberd.

Another small and (relatively) humble building this time, one of the lower class houses that make up the majority of housing in Altheim:

Chaos outside the Widow's house, as the Watch stop an overladen cart!

It's known as the House of the Rusty Halberd, due to the polearm hung outside, as you can see, and is owned by the widow Anna Schwartzhelm.

More photos etc after the cut...

The Widow Anna, and her house.

Originally known as the House of the Halberd, it eventually changed to the House of the Rusty Halberd after the Widow Anna became too old to keep taking it down and polishing it weekly, something she did for many years. A local landmark, it's used as a reference point for locals, as house numbering isn't something that exists in Altheim.

The house was originally the marital home of Max Schwartzhelm, a mercenary sergeant, and his wife Anna. Unfortunately Max was killed decades ago during a disastrous campaign and his body was returned with his equipment (and, surprisingly, his owed wages!) to Anna. After burying him, she hung his favoured weapon over the threshold so he could carry on protecting her from beyond the grave. There was even a rumour that the halberd was rigged to swing down if anyone tampered with the door, but this was all conjecture (probably!)

Since being widowed, Anna has been living on his dwindling savings, taking in washing and the occasional lodger to keep going, and so although the house is still standing, it is starting to lose plaster in places and looking a little the worse for wear.

The House: 

The house is another fairly straightforward Townscape building, with a small rear garden added, and a bay window (From attached to the front to make it less of a plain box. I think the other windows are resin ones from there too. The Chimney is one from a Citadel kit I had knocking around in the bots box, and the door is one of my own castings. In the garden is some washing (From the Warhammer Townscape book) and a few plants to showing that the Widow grows some of her own food.

The Widow Anna:

Another of the old C46 Villagers range ('Old Hag'), I've painted her to look like she's wearing old, expensive looking clothes that have faded over the years. She's a pretty easy figure to paint, nice and expressive.

And that's another house done! Enjoy!


  1. Well done, your collection of town sceneries is gorgeous :)

  2. Beautiful. It is nice, as we as collectors tend to focus on spectacular mansions, inns, windmills, whatever... and forget about these buildings, the regular ones, the most needed on any board. I like the tiny details and how it tells a whole story!

  3. I know I already said it earlier, but I love these buildings with these owners!

  4. Great new addition. I really like the thin infill type building - variation really helps to convince you that these are real houses built at different times in a real place. Love the washing line detail too!
