Friday, 14 March 2025

Back with a bang, and a big one! The DRAG5 Great Imperial Dragon.

OK, here's a big one as my first return to blogging after about 18 months or so!

As I'm sure you're all aware, it's the Citadel DRAG5 Great Imperial Dragon, also known as Mordax, a Chaos cursed dragon that can never die, and also the mother of Kegox, the Chaos Dragon. 

Lots more photos after the cut:

*Taps Microphone* Is anybody still here?

 Ok, I'll be honest, I've neglected this blog for the shiny lights of Facebook groups and Instagram for a while now, but I've come to the conclusion that it's all so transient and impermanent, so I'm thinking about getting back on here and posting a bit more often. 

That does, however, beg the question, is anyone still on here? I can post all I like, but if no one actually sees it, I may as well just print out a scrapbook and read it at home! 

So, what have I been up to? I've been learning 3d sculpting, printing big things and doing more Altheim buildings mostly, with some ww2 and Trench Crusade in there as well, with a few commissions along the way. I've actually been pretty productive in the last year or so, So here's a few bits I've got done recently: 

More after the cut....