Wednesday 19 July 2017

And now the heavy mob start to arrive...

I've been a bit quiet recently with some non-Imperial Guard items (more on that in another post!) But I've managed to get a brace of Land Raiders painted. 

 More photos and info after the cut...

These were both picked up cheap as fairly damaged, both missing parts and badly painted. You'll notice No. 2 has extra armour on the front, this is to hide some heavy damage. The same goes for the stowage. The bad paint jobs were simply oversprayed with blue, the brushstrokes underneath worked quite well as the drybrushing/weathering showed them up as 'damage'.

As the armoured contingent for the force is quite haphazard and varied, I wanted them to look as dilapidated as possible, after all, Jamakeer has been out of contact with the Imperium for many years, so they have to make do with what they can keep running.

Front view, showing orange ID stripes. 

So far the only transfers I've done on them so far is the basic numbering. I'll add the rest when I've finished designing them and printed them out.

Side view, showing ID No's.

That's all for now, something completely different (and non Imperial Guard) coming up soon!


  1. Love these! Must be fun restoring classic Raiders, like classic cars but on a smaller scale.

    The orange on these gets them away from an Ultramarines vibe instantly.
