Wednesday 5 October 2016

HIL Sector's Finest, AKA Port Imperiale's Arbites Station

So, I'm still not really up to painting, but I can at least get around to photographing a few pieces I finished before surgery.

This is the station I made for my Arbites Squad. Long since cut off from the Imperium, they are totally isolated and operate mainly in a low-key police role, picking up the *really* bad criminals that rise to the top of the pile of scum that makes up Port Imperiale.

A rare group shot in front of their HQ.

And a more regular shot, guarding the building from the roof, with a couple of Arbites about to head out on a patrol.

I'll hopefully get a few more shots up of a some other bits I've done in the next few days.


  1. Nice looking detachment and that wee station house is very well done as well.

  2. Very good. Cool posters too!

    1. Thanks! They're a mix of ones I've made, some found on the 'net, and the ones taken from the Warhammer Townscape book that I put up on here a while ago.

  3. Pretty nice work! Clever use of pieces, I'm particularly impressed by the big sign :)

  4. How'd you make the sign? Is it a custom stamper or something?

    1. No, it's made up of individual plastic letters, they're usually used by model railway people. I got mine from Slaters -

  5. Yeah, that sign rocks!

    It's funny, when you mentioned they were cop's, the first guy I saw was the dude on the right....with a heavy stubber! :D I know it's RT, but it still amazed me that cops need armament like that in the 41st millennium.

    They look like a bunch of bad hombres, gangsters..... Al Capones' crew with badges. Nice :)

    The building? Could I ask you what the material was that you built it from? The texture looks great!

    Well done :)

    1. Hehe, we have a particularly tough criminal element in HIL Sector! ;)

      The buildings are all made from cork floor tiles, then sprayed with 'Plasti-Kote' textured spray paint from a DIY Store. I think I used the 'Santa Fe Sand' colour on these, and washed with a dark brown. Hope that helps!

    2. Thanks Diesel,

      I thought the texture looked unique. Any reason why you chose to use that instead of the usual foamboard or card? How thick are they? If these questions are annoying you just tell me to fuck off....I can take it :)

    3. They're no problem at all, I'm always happy to answer questions! I use cork floor tiles a lot in buildings, they're about 4mm thick and although they're fairly sturdy, they're easy to cut holes it, and they also leave a nicer texture than foamboard on the cut edges. Also, they break nicely, leaving a good 'rubble' effect. I've not got any photos of any damaged buildings, but I used it a lot in my old Post-apoc gaming days.

    4. Cheers mate, thanks for the info :)

  6. I'm surprised no one has pointed out your clever reference to Paranoia yet. That was my first thought, although I got distracted by the group signage (as commented earlier).
